Thanksgiving Prep, Alternative Thanksgiving, Purposeful Mindfulness, Fear and Anxiety, Food for Picky Eaters

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, 1 p.m.

Pre-Thanksgiving Preparations for College Students (0:00:00)
During this year of social isolation at school, many students are looking forward to returning home for Thanksgiving. However, many parents are feeling a little apprehensive about welcoming their college kids back. Universities with in-person classes have seen a steady rise in case numbers in the last month, raising concern that these students could be bringing the virus home with them. However, these case numbers are not unique to just college students. Case numbers worldwide have been steadily increasing. And many fear they won’t be able to celebrate the holidays the same this year. But, no matter what decision you make regarding family time during the holidays, there are things you can do to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19. Here to help us know what we can do is Dr. Suzet McKinney, CEO of the Illinois Medical District.
An Alternative Thanksgiving (0:34:52)
Thanksgiving is just around the corner! And unlike years past, this Thanksgiving is going to involve less traveling, less people, and less cooking. And while this might sound like a dream Thanksgiving, to the more introverted among us it’ll be strange not to be among friends and family like normal years. But don’t despair yet! There are lots of ways to make this Thanksgiving as jolly as the others! Here to talk with us about some creative ideas for an alternative Thanksgiving is friend of the show Carrie Ann Rhodes.
Mindfulness with a Purpose (0:52:46)
Let’s all take a deep breath. Doesn’t that feel good? This time of year can be hectic, so we need to remember to take a moment to just breathe. Being more mindful can help relieve stress and anxiety. But how can we really focus our mindful moments to help where we need it the most? Here to talk us through it is mindfulness expert and psychologist Robin Todd.
Managing Fear and Anxiety (1:15:13)
Fear and anxiety are commonplace feelings that have settled into our lives over the past year. Every day it seems like we’re waking up to another set of bad news headlines. While these intense emotions are justified, and there is space to feel them, we shouldn’t let them completely take over and rule our lives. So how can we not only cope but thrive in the face of difficulty? Joining us on the show this morning to share her advice for facing our fears and anxieties is life coach and author, Kamini Wood.
Healthy Meals for Picky Eaters (1:29:55)
What’s worse, cage fighting a tiger or getting a picky eater to finish their dinner? It’s honestly a toss-up for which scenario is the most dramatic, especially for the parents of picky eaters. When it comes to feeding your kids who are picky eaters, you want to make sure they are getting the nutrients their growing bodies need, but you also don’t want to make every meal a fight. So, what do you do? Here to help us solve this problem and share healthy recipes that we feel good about and also appease our picky eaters is nutrition expert and friend of the show, Toby Amidor.