Socially Anxious Children at School, Fame or Family, Anatomy of Resentment, Let Them Play, Launching Leaders Worldwide, Educational Gaming

Published: Nov. 6, 2019, 3 p.m.

Socially Anxious Children at School (0:00:00)
Between homework, sports, trying to fit in, and a million other things, school can be a stressful place. For students that suffer from depression or social anxiety, these stresses are amplified even more. With mental illness issues becoming more recognized among younger generations, how can we be supportive of those students that may be suffering in silence? Dr. Christine Fonseca has made a great effort in researching solutions to this conflict during her career as an educational psychologist and award-winning author. She provides us tips on how we can help our anxious students have positive school experiences.
Fame or Family (0:14:47)
What would it be like to stand onstage in a sold-out theatre, under the bright lights, singing the songs that are making you famous? What would it be like to do this while knowing that you have a wife and daughter at home who are counting on you? Erick Baker shares his story of fame and family as a singer/songwriter sensation.
Anatomy of Resentment (0:35:09)
Have you ever felt resentment for something that originally seemed so silly? Licensed social worker, Robert Taibbi, joins us to explain the anatomy of resentment, as well as give us the tools to deal with it.
Let Them Play (0:50:36)
Parent’s all want the same things for their kids—don’t they? We want them to be successful, happy, well adjusted—all that jazz. But what can we do to make sure that our kids get there? It might not be the first thing you think of when you’re worrying about your child’s development, but playtime is really so important for young minds. Here to tell us a little more about why that is and how we can make sure we’re encouraging good, productive playtime for our kids is Dr. Magdalena Battles, author of Let Them Play! The Importance of Play and 100 Child Development Activities.
Launching Leaders Worldwide (1:05:04)
You’ve had disappointment after disappointment. Nothing is going your way it feels like your goals are unattainable. You know that there has to be something you can do to reach those heights, but what is it? How can you fulfill those dreams? Steve Hitz is one of the creators of a course called Launching Leaders that’s all about getting people on the path to their dreams. 
Educational Gaming (1:17:04)
We’ve all heard the warnings for kids playing too much video games and how it can lead to violence, aggression, and other kinds of addictions. Yet as the smartphone has taken the front seat in all things technology, how often are we all playing games? Many listeners may be holding a high score on “Candy Crush” as we speak. As some will continue to resist or ignore the ever growing gaming culture, many are choosing to embrace it, and even use it as a tool for education and stress management. Here to talk about this new wave of gaming is Dr. Christopher Ferguson, a professor of psychology at Stetson University, and friend of The Lisa Show.