Social Media Fasting, The Piano Guys, Gifts for Acquaintances, Streaming vs Theaters, Resilient Kids, 3-Ingredient Cookbook

Published: Dec. 22, 2020, 1 p.m.

Social Media Fasting (0:00:00)
Social media can feel suffocating. There’s always one more post, tweet, and story that you haven’t seen. But it’s no longer just a way for teenagers to chat, but instead a key component to how our society transfers information. Despite how necessary it is, it can have serious negative effects on our mental health. Maybe it’s time to consider a Social Media detox. Just taking off some time and letting your mental health reset. Here to talk to us today about the benefits of trying a social media fast is licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Joshua Klapow.
Lisa’s Christmas Music Sampler: The Piano Guys (0:21:01)
The Piano Guys talk with Lisa and Richie about what Christmas will be like for them this year, and they give an exclusive Christmas performance.
Gift Giving for Acquaintances (0:37:55)
Christmas is approaching and you’re feeling confident about your gift shopping. You have great gifts for your spouse, your kids, and you even found great gifts for your in-laws. It seems like this year is the year you finally stop those Christmas Eve mad dashes to the store. And then you remember—you forgot to get a gift for the Smith’s next door. Gift shopping can be hard and it’s even more stressful when if for people you don’t know super well, like neighbors and co-workers. That’s why we invited The Gifty Girl, Stephanie Yrungaray, to talk with us about how we can best shop for this difficult to gift group.
Streaming vs. Theaters (0:52:50)
We’ve been waiting all year for the newest Wonder Woman movie and it’s finally here! But while we’ve been excited to see it, there’s still the worry—is it safe to go to the movie theater right now? Lucky for us and other cautious fans, Warner Brothers announced that they were going to release their movies for 2021 in theaters and on HBO Max. And while we’re glad that we don’t have to pay the ticket prices, I’m a little worried that this might not be as lucky for these movies. Will they be able to make enough money? What will this decision mean for movie theaters? Here to answer all of our questions is movie and TV expert Clarence Moye.
Resilience Tips for Kids (1:08:23)
As parents we naturally want to protect our kids from everything. If we can prevent them from feeling pain, why wouldn’t we? But as all parents also know, we won’t always be able to protect them from the hardships of life. So instead of sheltering, we need to teach our kids how to be resilient for the trials ahead. Our next guest today is Michelle McCollough, speaker and CEO of DreamBoard Media. She will be talking with us about four simple practices that can help teach kids resilience.
Three-Ingredient Cookbook (1:25:19)
When life gets busy, especially around the holidays, it’s hard to cook complex meals all the time. So, we tell ourselves it’s ok, we’ll bake frozen pizzas for dinner until things calm down and we have time to cook again. But that time never seems to come. And then we find ourselves never cooking, always eating out and making microwave meals. But that isn’t necessarily a healthy lifestyle, and there’s nothing better than a homecooked meal. So where can we find recipes that don’t require at least 13 hard-to-find ingredients and three hours of prep time? Here with us today is Toby Amidor, nutrition expert, best-selling cookbook author and friend of the show, to share some easy recipes from her new 3-Ingredient Cookbook.