Running Alone, Moving with Kids, Allyship, MLK Speech, Life Lessons from Hollywood, Seven Worlds One Planet

Published: Jan. 20, 2020, 1 p.m.

Running Alone (0:00:00)
Going jogging by yourself is dangerous, especially for women. 84 percent of women say they’ve experienced harassment while running which left them feeling unsafe according to a recent Runner’s World survey. So, if you’re the kind of person who gets your exercise by running around your neighborhood or at the track, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and develop safe habits. To help us feel smart, confident and safe while running, we’ve invited Jennifer Cassetta on the show. Jennifer is a self-defense expert and public speaker that focuses on women’s empowerment and wellbeing.
Moving with Kids (0:15:32)
Moving with kids can be a nightmare, or a fun adventure. But what is it that draws that dividing line between a month of meltdowns and a fresh new start? Here with us on the show today is Dr. Laura Markham, a clinical psychologist, parenting expert, and founder of Aha Parenting.
Allyship (0:30:46)
We want to believe that we’re all created equally, but it’s an unfortunate truth that whether because of gender, race or sexuality, sometimes life is easier for some people than it is for others. These differences are important, they’re a part of our identities and we want to celebrate them and it’s unfair and unjust when anyone is held down because of their beautiful differences. So the question is—what can be done about the situation? If we see someone being treated unfairly, especially if they’re being treated so because they’re a minority in some sense, how can people reach out and help? Here to talk to us about some of her thoughts surrounding this and allyship is poet Ashley Finley.
Martin Luther King Speech (0:49:45)
56 years ago today, Martin Luther King Jr. gave his historical “I Have a Dream” Speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Looking back on this speech and the Civil Rights Movement, what can we learn? Here to talk to us about the impact of MLK and the movement he helped foster is historian Clayborne Carson.
Life Lessons from Hollywood and Beyond (1:05:32)
Have you ever wanted to do something creative, but you weren’t sure how to? Have you thought that maybe you don’t have creative talents? Well, you’re not alone, but you might be wrong. Colin Egglesfield is an actor and model who just came out with a book called Agile Artist: Life Lessons From Hollywood And Beyond. It’s about trusting yourself to lean into the creative life that you’ve always wanted to realize. Colin joins us today to tell us a little more about that.
Seven Worlds One Planet (1:21:34)
With our many distractions and daily activities, often we forget that there’s more to this world than what’s right in front of us. It can be hard to appreciate natural wonders and wildlife that we can’t physically see. Luckily for us, the creators of the new BBC show, Seven Worlds: One Planet, set out to bring viewers a spectacular new perspective of wildlife throughout the seven continents. Here to tell about what went into making this show is Dr. Jonny Keeling.  Dr. Keeling is the executive producer of Seven Worlds, One Planet.