Photography 101, Overshopping, Kitchen Organization, Generational Gap, Racial Equity, Future of Football

Published: Aug. 5, 2020, noon

Everyday Rockstar (0:00:00)
Lisa and Richie talk with this week's featured Everyday Rockstar. You can nominate yourself or someone you know by emailing
Photography 101 (0:08:06)
Have you ever tried to get into photography as a hobby? In recent years, it seems everyone wants to be a photographer. Photography is an extraordinary art form that allows us to capture our most cherished moments in a beautiful way. It can also be a good side hustle. However, between apertures, ISOs, and white balances, the overwhelming amount of information required to do it well can be enough to make anyone set their DSLR down. So today, we wanted to go over some photography basics with someone who knows their stuff. We’re joined today by Todd Vorenkamp, a photographic artist and college instructor, here to lead us through what we’d need to know to get started with photography.
Stop Overshopping (0:27:26)
Retail therapy—it makes all of us feel a little bit better right? That is until you get home and realize in horror how much money you spent. For a lot of us, that sinking feeling can be enough to prevent a repeat event. However, sometimes the high of a good shop overpowers the low of the sky-high number on the receipt. Statistics on compulsive shopping behavior are difficult to come by, but it’s generally believed that between 5-11% of the American population could be considered shopaholics. On the high end, that’s about 1 in 10 Americans. That’s a good chunk of us. Here to talk to us today about how to recognize the signs of compulsive shopping and what strategies can be employed to break the bad habit is overshopping expert Carrie Rattle.
Kitchen Organization (0:43:34)
Our kitchens are the center of our homes. They’re where we cook, meet, and eat with our family and friends. They’re where we start and end our days and they help us to reconnect with our loved ones. But they can also get messy and cluttered and end up causing us more stress than they relieve. Here to teach us ways in which we can make our kitchen most efficient and discuss all things kitchen organization is professional organizer and founder and head educator of Organize With Faith, Faith Roberson.
Closing the Generational Gap (0:52:45)
Do you ever feel like communicating with another generation is like trying to talk to someone in a different language? Younger or older—there’s something about those few years that can feel cavernous. It can be frustrating—especially during times of crisis...say a pandemic? Communicating is crucial. So, what can we do to close this generational gap right now? Here to share her advice with us is Dr. Joanna Massey crisis communication expert and author of Culture Shock: Surviving Five Generations in One Workplace.
Racial Equity Habit-Building (1:17:29)
Protests around the country have left many of us wondering what we can do to help end racism in our own communities. But it’s hard to know where to start with so many books, podcasts, and films at our fingertips. But what if we told you there was a 21-day challenge already set up for you to learn more about racism AND build good habits in support of racial equality? Debby Irving, a racial justice educator and trainer, and Dr. Marguerite Penick-Parks, a higher education expert, have developed a 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge. We’ve invited Debby on the show to tell us more about it.
The Future of American Football (1:30:42)
As COVID carries on, different aspects of the life we knew before the pandemic also continue to adapt. One thing that is going to look a lot different this fall is football. Americans love football. It generates billions of dollars a year. But how will it be affected this year? Football fans are curious, and even a little anxious, about what’s in store for the sport this coming season. To help us better understand the future of pro football, we’ve invited the director of archives and football information for the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Jon Kendle, to share the changes we’ll see this year and how they will affect the future of the sport.