Peer-Parent Transition, Finding Nice Guys, Rags to Riches to Rags, Growing Up With Social Media, Beating the Odds, Screen Cleaning

Published: Aug. 30, 2019, 2 p.m.

Peer-Parent Transition (0:00:00)
We’ve talked a lot about younger kids heading off to school, but some of us are also sending our kids to college for the first time. It’s scary! Not only are you hoping they will be safe and happy in their new dorms, but now you suddenly have to be a parent of an adult. How is that even possible? Luckily, there are resources for you as you navigate the transition to parenting an adult. We have , Lisa Heffernan, the co-founder of a popular website called “Grown and Flown,” with us to share what she’s learned about letting her chicks leave the coup.
Finding Nice Guys (0:14:46)
Love isn’t easy to find, or to keep for that matter. In fact, many of us turn to personality tests or dating sites to help us find the perfect match. But, compatibility may have nothing to do with happy relationships, according to a new study from Michigan State University. Instead of searching for Mr. Right, maybe we should be looking for Mr. Nice. With us on the show is Zadith Malave, a certified life coach and author of "Never Too Late To Love." She joins us to talk about how to find that nice guy or gal who could become our forever.
Rags to Riches to Rags (0:32:40)
Do you remember the prominent stories from history class... brave men who fought battles or led nations to victory? But why is it called HIS-story? Why are the stories of women from the past either completely omitted or wildly distorted? Author Rebecca Rosenberg wants to change that. She has a passion for finding the HERstory in HIS-story and bringing the glorious untold heroine stories of the past to light. She joins us to unveil the truth behind one particular Wild West story that’s been circulating American culture for centuries. You may have heard of the infamous 19th century Baby Doe Tabor scandal, but how much of it was actually true and what about Baby Doe’s true character has been left out of this legend?
Growing Up With Social Media (0:50:37)
When we were kids and wanted to see what our friends looked like or check up on their lives, we pulled out our year books or gave them a phone call or wrote a letter and sent some pictures. Now our kids are growing up with something we never had to deal with as kids.... social media. We may be understanding it more as adults now, but whateffect does it have on childhood? Here to tell us all about it is Kate Eichhorn, professor of Culture and Media Studies and author of "The End of Forgetting: Growing Up with Social Media."
Beating the Odds (1:04:53)
Do you ever fall into the trap of believing that success isn’t really for you? So many of us believe that we’re defined by where we live, what we look like, or labels that society slaps on us. How can we challenge and break through these beliefs? Dr. Dionna Hancock-Johnson is a psychologist and certified life coach who says “You are limited ONLY by your own beliefs and what others have taught you. You can learn to detox from that faulty thinking.” And she’s here to tell us how to do that and how we can be successful.
Screen Cleaning (1:22:49)
Jeff Simpson and Cole Wissinger, of BYU Radio's Screen Cleaning, discuss their favorite movies of the summer.
Weekly Roundup (1:37:15)
Producer Becca Hurley gives a musical summary of The Lisa Show this week.