MLMs, Cultural Differences in Relationships, Clicking with Strangers, Mental Health at Work, Weekend Review

Published: Nov. 6, 2020, 1 p.m.

Are MLMs Right for You? (0:00:00)
Whether it’s pest control, makeup, or solar panels, we’ve all come in contact with a multi-level marketing business, or MLM for short. Many of these companies get a bad rap for their recruitment model and often-aggressive selling techniques. They make us think of the pushy door-to-door salesman who comes around trying to sell us pest control or a new internet provider for ridiculous prices. But are they all bad? And what should you know if you’re interested in working for one of these companies? Joining us this morning is Ashley Smith, an attorney from Salt Lake City, here with us to discuss multi-level marketing businesses and how to determine if they’re a good fit for you.
Ove Cultural Differences in a Relationship (0:20:40)
When you’re in a relationship, some of the hardest things you’ll typically have to deal with are differing interests or hobbies, meeting the parents, and busy schedules that make it hard to make time for each other. But for inter-cultural couples, these issues seem like a piece of cake. Couples facing cultural differences like different traditions, religions, languages, and customs can make their relationship extra trying. So how do you ease the stress and deal with these deep divides when you’re in an inter-cultural relationship? Here to share some of her personal experience and advice with us is Dr. Lubna Somjee.
How to Make Strangers Click (0:34:43)
It’s likely happened to all of us—that undeniable feeling of just “clicking” with a total stranger. Maybe you met in class, on the subway, or in a café. But regardless of the context, when you struck up a conversation with this person you’ve never met before, you instinctually knew you were going to be best friends. The fact that such an experience has happened to so many of us suggests there might be a reason behind the magnetic pull we feel with some people. Here to discuss why strangers click and a concept called “shared reality” is Dr. Maya Rossignac-Milon, Post-Doctoral Research Scholar at Columbia Business School.
Mental Health in the Workplace (0:52:46)
Over the past few years, we’ve been talking more and more about mental health. But is there still a taboo in the workplace? Mental health can have a huge impact on your performance at work—but it isn’t something we necessarily feel comfortable talking to our bosses about. However, the events of this year have caused many people’s mental health to dip into anxiety, depression, and unmanageable stress. It’s more important than ever that we talk about it. So, whether we’re a boss or employee, what can we do to approach conversations about mental health in the workplace? Here to share her thoughts with us is Nancy Spangler.
Weekend Review (1:28:54)
Lisa and Richie talk about what there is to do this weekend, from the new shows coming to streaming services to the New York Times bestseller list to what’s going on in your community.