Kitchen Adventures, Composting 101, Job Hunting, Screen Balance, Mini Book Club, Missed Milestones

Published: April 9, 2020, noon

Lisa’s Adventure Club: Kitchen Adventures (0:00:00)
If you’re feeling like your life needs a little more adventure, but social distancing is preventing you from experiencing that excitement, look no further! Adventure comes in many forms, and as we talk about our adventure club today, we want to show you that adventure is still possible even when you’re following the mandated rules we’ve all been given to stay inside. One way to bring adventure into your life and try something new is through cooking. This is a great time to use up the food you stocked up in your fridge and to experiment with new recipes. Joining us today to talk about how to make cooking an adventure is personal and television chef Lindsey Hargett.
Composting 101 (0:18:14)
Have you noticed your family wasting a lot of food? Are your plants looking limp? We have great news for you! There’s a simple way to both reduce food waste and give your plants a shot of nutrition at the same time. What’s the secret? Composting! However, composting can seem a little bit intimidating at first, so we’ve invited C.L. Fornari, an author and radio host known as “the Garden Lady”.
Job Hunting in a Pandemic (0:36:26)
If you have ever been in the process of job hunting, you know that it can be an exciting, nerve-wracking and risky time in life. But now that we are facing this economic crisis and the highest rate of unemployment in U.S. history, the thought of job hunting might make you sick to your stomach. There are many people struggling with work, and we just want you to know that we are thinking of you and we are hoping that everyone can come out on the other side of this. With that being said, we wanted to talk to our friend Justin Jones, who is a career development manager and self-named “job coach” about the job hunt and what it might look like for millions of people today.
Finding Screen Balance in Quarantine (0:50:34)
One of the biggest transitions we’re all having to make is moving everything online. So, whether we’re working from home, taking classes from home, or trying to entertain our kids from home, I think we can all relate to feeling plugged in all the time. But are anyone else’s eyes starting to hurt from staring at their screen for hours? Well we want to help you get off your screens. So here to share with us her tips on how we can unplug during quarantine or social distancing and the benefits of doing so isCatherine Price, founder of Screen Life Balance.
Mini Book Club: Most Requested Books (1:07:10)
Rachel Wadham, of BYU Radio’s Worlds Awaiting , talks with Lisa and Richie about the books that are requested most often at the library.
Coping with Missed Milestones (1:28:43)
Because social distancing is vital to reducing the spread of COVID-19, many big events have been cancelled across the country including graduations, proms, sports championships, weddings, and many more. Losing these milestone moments can be extremely difficult for the people involved, as many have spent years or even their whole lives anticipating them. While we can’t change our circumstances, finding ways to cope with these hardships will encourage us to stay positive. Here to give us some tips on how we can deal with our emotions and find other ways to celebrate is Abby Beerman. Abby is the injury prevention coordinator at the University of Vermont Medical Center.