International Experience USA, Tech Scams, Stress-Free Holidays, Be a Good Gift Giver, Mindful Eating, 2020 Travel Trends

Published: Dec. 10, 2019, 3 p.m.

International Experience USA (0:00:00)
Traveling to a country you've never been to can be intimidating. Now, imagine traveling to a country you've never been to, in a city with a completely different culture than your own, living with a family you've never met in your life, with the intention of studying at a public school that runs completely different from the one you're used to. Stressful, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be. In this week’s segment highlighting a wholesome organization we found on, we wanted to spotlight International Experience USA. Focused on bringing unlikely cultures and people together, International Experience organizes families in the US to host foreign exchange students from around the world. Jennifer Iler, the non-profit’s Western Regional Director, joins us to tell us more about their mission.
Tech Scams (0:13:32)
At this time of year, I always find myself doing more online shopping than ever before. It’s a wonderful way to make holiday purchases, and buy and send gifts. But I always find myself wondering, what if this website is a scam? With us today one of the biggest names in technology, Anna P. Murray, CEO of EMEDIA and author of The Complete Software Project Manager. She’s going to explain to us the upcoming trends in technology, and how to protect ourselves from getting scammed.
Stress-Free Holidays (0:34:04)
Despite fun traditions, nostalgic carols and tasty treats, the holidays can easily feel like a stressful time of year. So why do we feel this way during what is supposed to be a happy time? And what can we do to make the most out of our holiday season without feeling overwhelmed? Therapist John Sovec joins us to share how we can enjoy a stress-free December.
Be a Good Gift Giver (0:50:35)
Gifts are an integral part of the holidays. Work Christmas parties, family reunions, and gift exchanges are all great reasons to give and receive presents. But have you ever gotten a gift that you didn’t like and want to take back? Or had someone give you a gift that you weren’t planning on getting a gift in return? What is the proper etiquette when it comes to gift giving and receiving during the holidays? We are joined by friend of The Lisa Show Dan Senning from the Emily Post Institute. Dan is the great-grandson of Emily Post, and he presents all over the world about etiquette. 
Mindful Eating (1:06:19)
Have you ever said a word so many times that it starts to lose its meaning? (try it, a word that always does this for me is “bubble”) The phrase “mindful eating” is something that we hear so much that I’m not sure I really know what it means anymore. It sounds nice, but what does it actually look like?  And how can we eat this way? We’ve invited Laura Silver, a registered dietitian-nutritionist from New York to help us make sense of this health trend.
2020 Travel Trends (1:24:00)
The years may pass by but one thing will never change, our love for travel! With every year comes the excitement of planning new trips full of adventure and fun places to see. As we prepare for the new decade, it’s helpful to know about the upcoming travel trends of 2020. Here to tell us what to expect is Amanda Norcross. Amanda is the senior editor for