Importance of Hydration, Asthma and Exercise, New Year's Relationships, Car Accident Preparedness, Bob Ross, Weekend Review

Published: Jan. 24, 2020, 1 p.m.

Importance of Hydration (0:00:00)
We hear so often that we need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. But what is drinking all that water going to do for our bodies? The results aren’t always immediate. Many of the health benefits of drinking water come over time like sharper thinking, less risk for disease and even clearer skin. So how do we get these benefits? Joining us to talk about how to stay hydrated all year round and the health perks of doing so is Dr. Carol DerSarkissian, an emergency physician from New York.
Asthma and Exercise (0:14:01)
Asthma is a common complaint in children, and the cold winter air is not kind to young lungs. Having a problem that impacts breathing can make exercising hard—or even scary!!—to kids. How can we help our kids stay in shape, even if they have asthma? With us today is Dr. Brain Smart, an allergist and immunologist with over 20 years of experience treating asthma-related complaints. 
New Year’s Relationships (0:30:14)
New Year’s resolutions can be anything from fitness goals to financial aims. We often write these lists of quantifiable goals that we can set to help us start off the new year right. But sometimes there are goals to be set that aren’t as measurable. Relationships and learning to love yourself and others can be important goals that you set that are a little more long-term and not easily justified. We are talking with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby, the founder of Growing Self Counseling, to help us reach our “relationship goals.”
Car Accident Preparedness (0:50:37)
Car accidents can happen to anyone, even the best drivers. And they’re often unexpected. One day, you could be driving down the road, and all of a sudden, the car in front of you slams on the brakes and you crash right into them. So before this inevitably happens to you, we want to give you the tools and the knowledge you need to react responsibly after a future car accident. Here to help us prepare for any crash we might experience is Jeff Arnold, insurance expert and author of The Art of Insurance.
Bob Ross (1:06:07)
Known for his bushy hair, relaxing voice, and “happy little trees”, painter Bob Ross became an icon in the 80s with his show Joy of Painting and his ability to complete a painting in just 30 minutes. To this day, 25 years after his passing, we still find ourselves talking about Bob Ross, watching episodes of his show on YouTube, and attending Bob Ross painting classes. Which makes us wonder… what is it about the famous painting instructor that still awes and inspires us today? Joan Kowalski is the daughter of Walt and Annette Kowalski who discovered Bob Ross when he was just a local painting instructor in Florida. She is now the president of Bob Ross Incorporated, and she joins us to talk about his lasting legacy.
Weekend Review (1:25:07)
Lisa and Richie talk about exciting new movies in theaters and fun activities across the country.