Getting Gear Ready, Homeschooling 101, Streaming Battle Royale, Resilient Kids, Mini Book Club, Freya Stays Home

Published: May 14, 2020, noon

Lisa’s Adventure Club: Getting Your Gear Ready (0:00:00)
Being cooped up inside has made us all antsy for an outdoor adventure. Are you as ready to get out there as we are? Whether you’re going camping, hiking, or taking a day trip to a National Park, it’s important to make sure you’re properly prepared so you can have a good time without any worries! And the first step is getting your gear ready. But what do we need to take with us on all of our outdoor adventures and how can we start getting ready now? We’ve invited Paul Ronto, an avid adventurer and friend of the show, to talk about how we can get our gear ready for our summer adventures.
Homeschooling 101 (0:19:08)
I’ve been essentially homeschooling my children for almost 2 months now. I make sure they stay on top of their assignments and help them if they need me to. Thankfully, it’s almost summer which means I don’t have to do it for much longer. And hopefully they can go back to school in the fall. But other people feel differently. The pandemic has really given people a taste of what homeschooling is like, and some are thinking about switching to it for good. So, we wanted to discuss the pros and cons of changing gears from public education to homeschooling and how parents can fully make that switch. We have with us today the founder and administrator of Cumberland Christian Academy, Jeana Partin, to discuss teaching our children from home.
The Streaming Battle Royale (0:34:40)
A recent study found out that 75% of people are streaming more movies and TV shows now than they were before the pandemic started, and of course we are! Movies are a great way to relax, get together with our family, and escape reality. However, with so many different streaming platforms and services it can be difficult to know that we have the best options available to us.  So, without spending hours testing out each app, how can we know which one is the right fit with the most interesting shows for us? To help us whittle down the options and find the right fit for us is Dan Rayburn. He runs one of the most widely read blogs in the online video sector and is considered to be one of the foremost authorities on streaming media technology.
Resilient Kids (0:50:38)
I don’t need to remind you that things are frightening right now. We’re all feeling anxieties about the future --and our kids aren’t immune to these anxieties. When your child comes to you with questions about quarantine or COVID, you might be tempted to quiet their fears. But is this the best approach? Here to share with us tips for raising anxiety resilient kids is child counselor Dr. Stephanie Sarkis.
Mini Book Club: Learning Something New (1:08:59)
Rachel Wadham, of BYU Radio’s Worlds Awaiting, talks with Lisa and Richie about the best nonfiction books to read if you’re hoping to learn something new.
Freya Stays Home (1:26:16)
Even as an adult, the pandemic has left me confused and wondering what the future will look like. But my kids especially have had a lot of questions. Like “Mom, should I be working?”, “Can I go out with friends?” and at the beginning it was, “What are we going to do about prom? Or graduation?” I don’t always have the answers or know how to help them grasp the situation. But our next guest says that literature might be a way to help kids cope. Today, we have Jake and Laura Dickson who wrote and illustrated the children’s book “Freya Stays Home” as a way to teach their daughter about the pandemic.