Finding Time to Exercise, Grandmothering, National Philanthropy Day, Smart Homes, Medicare this Year, Weekend Review

Published: Nov. 15, 2019, 3 p.m.

Finding Time to Exercise (0:00:00)
Does this phrase sound familiar to any of you: “I was going to exercise today, but I just don’t have enough time. I’ll for sure exercise tomorrow.” For many of us who have said those words before, we know that that exercise almost never happens. It’s so easy to make excuses when it comes to working out, even though we all know how important it is for our personal health and well-being. But, finding time to exercise may be easier than we think. We’ve invited Dr. Susan Whitbourne, an emerita professor of psychological and brain sciences, to talk to us about this excuse we often make for ourselves and how we can truly find time to exercise in our day. 
Grandmothering (0:13:46)
The holidays are coming up, and that means lots of family gatherings! As fun and exciting as this is, sometimes it’s hard to mesh immediate and extended families smoothly. So, where do mother-in-laws and grandmothers fit into the picture? To find the answers, we’re joined by psychologist Keen Berger, author of the book Grandmothering, and grandmother of three.
National Philanthropy Day (0:35:14)
We have a question to ask you: When was the last time you were bothered? Not the little bothers like traffic, spilled coffee, or work deadlines. The BIG BOTHERS: homelessness, how every day thousands of people pass away from diseases directly linked to unsafe water, the staggering statistics for suicidal children.  What did you do with that feeling? These tough topics often occupy our brain, but we can do so much more than just think about the suffering in the world. That is why we’ve invited on Jamie Amelio, philanthropist and author of “Staying Bothered”, to tell us about how she dealt with her big bothers and what sort of good we can do in the world.
Smart Homes (0:50:33)
As technology progresses, it seems like everything is getting smarter. We have smart phones, smart watches, smart cars and now smart homes? With everything around us getting smarter, we also have to be smart about the way that we use this technology. So what should we know before we upgrade our homes? Here to talk us through it is Chelsea Brown, founder of Digital Mom Talk and cyber security expert. 
Medicare this Year (1:05:34)
Do you remember the nerves and anxiety you felt when you walked into your junior high for the first time? How about when you had your first kiss? Your wedding day? When you had your first child? Every stage of life has its nerve-wracking events, and one of those is when it’s time to enroll in Medicare. What do you need to know about it this year? According to National Medicare Expert, Jae Oh, “It’s trickier to enroll and make changes this year. There are all sorts of new plans and with people working past age 65, everything is more complicated.” With all the complications around Medicare, we thought that Jae would be the perfect person to walk us through what we need to know about it this year. So, whether you’re getting ready to enroll yourself, or if you’re helping a family member, Jae’s here to help you. 
Weekend Review (1:24:17)
Lisa and Richie tell us about this week’s new movies and activities happening all over the country this weekend.