Failure Makes You Stronger, First 6 Weeks of Dating, Fear Frequency, Ignoring the Bad Stuff, Dork Diaries, Weekend Update

Published: Oct. 25, 2019, 2 p.m.

Failure Makes You Stronger (0:00:00)
How many times have you heard the quote “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”? What about “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”? These quotes have been pounded into us in the form of inspirational quotes on our elementary school teachers’ walls and the Instagram Bios of many a motivational speaker. So what is the value of failure? Well, some researchers at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management found that “failure early in one’s career leads to greater success” in the long run. Here today to help us understand this study is the lead author of the research, Dr. Yang Wang.
First 6 Weeks of Dating (0:14:19)
So you’ve managed to convince someone to date you and just you. It can either be exciting and thrilling, or completely foreign and scary. Either way, there is so much to relationships that the first few weeks can be so fragile. So how do we navigate through the emotions and unfamiliarity of the newborn stage of a budding relationship? Alisa Goodwin Snell, coach of Lasting Love Academy, joins us to bridge the gap between casual dating to exclusivity.
Fear Frequency (0:32:16)
Now I believe that you can group everyone into two groups: Scullys and Mulders or--in other words--skeptics or believers. When it comes to ghosts where do you fall? Now—before you answer let’s hear out our next guest, who’s got some insight to the age old question “are ghosts real?” Carrie Mead is a professional life coach and counselor with personal and professional experience in the phenomena of ghosts.
Ignoring the Bad Stuff (0:50:36)
Another negative story about abuse is making headlines. . . You avoid it. People stop keeping up with the news because it’s so depressing, but Former Detective, Carol Jean Wilson, says, “The world is not perfect and people would rather ignore the deplorable side of society than talk about it...When we ignore it, the bad stuff doesn’t go away and the ‘I don’t want to know’ mindset creates feelings of shame for victims that had to experience it...We must work together to make it safe for anyone to speak up about abuse and the effects of it.” Carol Jean Wilson, former Lieutenant and Detective with over 15 years of experience in law enforcement, is author of the new book, "Prove Them Wrong!" which details her story of triumph over tragedy. She has some great insight on what happens when we ignore “the bad stuff.”
Dork Diaries (1:05:52)
Lately, you’ve probably heard the phrase “Dork Diaries” about a million times at home, walking in your child’s school, from teachers, from other parents, and even from coworkers. Why is this such a buzz topic? Well, the latest book in the Dork Diaries series, "Dork Diaries 14: Tales from a Not-So-Best Friend Forever,"came out on October 22nd and people have been anxiously awaiting its release for a long time. Rachel Renée Russell is the author of this popular series and we wanted to have her on the show so we could get the inside scoop on this latest release.
Weekend Preview (1:25:17)
Lisa and Richie update us on the newest movies to see this weekend, and talk about what's going on around the country in case you don't have weekend plans yet.