Everyday Rockstar, Women in STEM, POUND, Smart Homes, Family Therapy, Backyard Camping, Conflict Personalities

Published: June 24, 2020, noon

Everyday Rockstar (0:00:00)
Richie talks with this week’s featured Everyday Rockstar. You or someone you love could be feature on the show! Send your Everyday Rockstar nominations to thelisashow@byu.edu.
NASA and Women in STEM (0:08:11)
According to a 2018 study by the NGC Project, women make up only 28% of the STEM workforce in the United States. Despite producing some of the most innovative technology and research results that we’ve ever seen, the STEM world still has a long way to go in terms of diversity. So, what is it like working in a field in which you are severely under-represented? Joining us again on the show is Dr. Knicole Colon, a research astrophysicist at NASA and a woman in STEM. We’re discussing her experiences working in the STEM field and how we can encourage other girls to pursue their career dreams as well.
POUND (0:19:44)
What if we told you that 25,000 instructors in over 100 countries are teaching thousands of people to exercise with drumsticks? Well you better believe it, because this unique form of exercise is sweeping the globe. It all began in 2011whentwo women mixed their love for drumming with exercise to stay in shape. They discovered that dancing with drumsticks helps women rock out and feel empowered. This dance exercise is called Pound, and it combines dance, cardio, pilates and yes, drumsticks. Here to tell us more about this popular trend is former Pound instructor, Harlee Dye!
Smart Homes 101 (0:33:50)
Technology seems to be getting smarter every day. The jury is still out on whether our devices are actually smarter than us, but they can do some amazing things. We have smart phones in our pockets, smart watches on our wrist, and smart fridges in the kitchen, that are meant to make our lives easier and better. But have you thought about adding a smart home to your list? To help us know if we should buy them and what smart homes can really do, we’ve invited Sarah Kimmel onto the show. She’s a family tech expert and digital parenting coach.
Family Therapy (1:00:50)
Every family has its issues. And while many families find ways to work through them without any help, sometimes their problems are too big to solve on their own. For those of you who need some outside help, family therapy could be the option for you. But before you sign up—we want to know a little bit more about what family therapy is and how it might be beneficial. Here to share his expertise with us is Dr. Robert Taibbi.
Backyard Camping Ideas (1:13:32)
As I’ve said before on the show, one of my favorite things to do is go camping. And there’s no better time to go than during the summer. Lots of people go camping in national or state parks. But have you ever considered camping in your backyard? If not, you might consider it seeing as the pandemic is still at large and social distancing is still advised.  Heather and Will Rochfort are an outdoor power couple who recently came out with a book called Sleeping Bags to S’mores: Camping Basics. Their book just so happens to have some suggestions on backyard camping. We’ve invited them on the show to help us understand how we can make backyard camping a fun reality.
Conflict Personalities (1:31:25)
Even though we all have to confront conflict at some point in our lives, we also try to avoid it at all costs. Whether it’s dealing with kids breaking rules, working with people who have different opinions, or speaking up when the cashier charges you more than was advertised...we all hate conflict. But, we deal with it in different ways, because we have different “conflict personalities” as the experts say. To help us understand how conflict can be a positive thing and identify our conflict personality, we’ve invited family lawyer and author of the new book “The Conflict Resolution Grail,” Meysa Maleki.