Equine Therapy, Saving for Retirement, Travelling with Kids, Recipe for Success, King of the High Wire, Self Acceptance

Published: Sept. 22, 2020, noon

Equine Therapy (0:00:00)
Being around horses is always a great experience –they’re large, majestic, and incredibly fun to ride. But have you ever thought about using horses as a means of therapy? Believe it or not, thousands of people attend equine therapy sessions across the world for help with their physical, mental, or emotional needs. So, what is it about horses that makes them a steady therapeutic resource? Joining us today is Gina Little, the owner and CEO of Dream Power Therapy, a nonprofit dedicated to providing equine therapy for those in need. We'll be discussing the role horses can play in helping you cope with grief, trauma and more.
Saving for Retirement (0:17:35)
Retirement may seem like forever away. You have ballet lessons to pay for or maybe you’re saving to buy a new house. Your budget is pulled tight as it is; you can’t think about saving for your life 30 or 40 years in the future. This is definitely the case for many families across the US, especially right now in this economy. However, saving for retirement is important and we need to prioritize it in our budgets. Here  to  help  us  navigate  saving  for  retirement  is  Liz  Frazier,  our  favorite  family  financial planner and new Director of Financial Education for Copper—the teenage banking app.
Travelling with Kids (0:35:43)
In theory, traveling with your kids sounds great. Creating awesome memories, broadening your child’s horizon, and nurturing their love for new people and places. However, the application is a little more challenging. The reality of traveling with kids is long days, mountains of baggage, and, more likely than not, at least some complaining. In fact, you’ll probably need a vacation from your vacation once it’s all over. But as scary as traveling with kids, especially young ones, might sound, it’s all worth it in the end. Here to discuss with us how best to travel with kids and what factors are important to consider before and during our trips, is founder and president of Family Travel Association, Rainer Jenss.
Recipe for Success (0:52:46)
The world is a success-driven place. Sometimes this can be intimidating. How is success actually achieved? It’s kind of an elusive concept. We wanted to shed some light on this today by highlighting one individual’s story of success. Sabrina Jenkins is the Atlanta Chapter President for Women in Sports and Events. She has also been named one of Atlanta’s 100 Top Black Women of Influence. We thought she would be the perfect person to learn a few things from.
King of the High Wire (1:11:28)
Have you ever had one of those nightmares where you find yourself walking hundreds of feet above the ground on nothing but a rope? When you fall off you just wake up from your dream. But for our next guest the stakes are much higher than simply waking up. Walking across a wire while being miles high in the sky may seem crazy to you, but for Nik Wallenda, aka the “King of the High Wire”, it’s a dream come true. Nik holds numerous world records and is the first man to ever cross the Grand Canyon on a high wire. Nik is here with us today to talk about how he accomplishes his amazing stunts.
Self Acceptance (1:28:35)
Despite self-acceptance being a constant battle, the practice of loving ourselves affects so much more than we realize. We feel happier, free and confident. And even those around us benefit. Here to share how we can better practice self-acceptance is Alison, founder of The Alison Show and the Awesome with Alison podcast.