Emergency Preparedness, Decorating a Kid's Room, How to Make Guests Feel Comfortable, Holiday Heart Health, Family Literacy, Binge-Watching

Published: Nov. 22, 2019, 3 p.m.

Emergency Preparedness (0:00:00)
Imagine this: you’re sitting in the comfort of your home after a long day of work, when suddenly the room starts to shake. After a minute of watching pictures fall off your walls and glasses shatter in your cupboards, you realize you’re in the middle of an earthquake. What you would do?  Where would you go? Do you have a plan? Natural disasters tend to impact us when we least expect it, and if we’re not prepared for what could happen, we could be in big danger.  Professional Environmental Health Scientist Chris Smoot is joining us on the show to talk with us about emergency preparedness and how we can be ready for any potential dangers.
Decorating a Kid’s Room (0:14:57)
Do you remember your childhood room? That room was a really important part of your young identity and defined you and your style for years to come. But if you are a parent now, you know that decorating a kid’s room can be tough, especially as they go from liking princesses and unicorns one year to loving popstars and sparkles the next. So how can you and your child decorate their bedroom in a way that works for both of you? We’ll talk about kids’ bedrooms and decorating them with a style that lasts. Joining us is interior designer Meagan Macievic.
How to Make Guests Feel Comfortable (0:34:24)
There’s nothing more uncomfortable than staying over at someone’s house and feeling like you’re not welcome. Another uncomfortable moment is when you’re staying at someone’s house, get out of the shower and find that there are no towels in sight. Now there’s not much you can do in either of these situations, but if you are the one hosting (especially this holiday season), there are lots of things you can do to help your guests feel at home. We have Allison Bean, the editorial director of The Spruce, to share the ins and outs of being a good host.
Holiday Heart Health (0:50:34)
Did you know that people are more likely to have a heart attack during the winter than any other time of year? While experts aren’t quite sure why this is, a new study shows that it might be more at the fault of carbs than fats. So with this new information in mind—how should we adjust our holiday eating plans? Here to share his tips for keeping your heart healthy throughout the holidays is Dr. Jonny Bowden or the “Nutrition Myth Buster,” expert on weight loss, nutrition and health.
Family Literacy (1:06:30)
What if you weren’t able to complete a job application, understand important food labels, or even read to your child? About half of the United States adult population possesses literacy skills that are described as “challenged” and find these everyday tasks difficult to complete. We live in such a literacy-based world that we thought this issue was important to bring up. In 2002, Michelle and David Baldacci started the Wish You Well Foundation – a non-profit organization with the mission of supporting family literacy in the United States. We’re joined by David to talk about it.
Binge-Watching Snacks (1:20:31)
Odds are, if you’re watching tv, you’re craving something to munch on. Well we’re Talkin’ ‘Bout Snacks with Josh and Amy, and we’re bringing you ideas for the best things to snack on while binge-watching your favorite shows. Josh Bingham is our sweet expert, who would eat dessert for every meal of the day if he could, and Amy Biedel is our savory expert, who believes that dill pickles are the only true pickles!
Weekend Review (1:29:09)
Lisa and Richie share what exciting events are happening across the country and what new movies you should go see.