Ella Rises, Thrifting for the Holidays, Making Kids Say "Sorry," How to Bulk, Holiday Party Ideas

Published: Dec. 2, 2020, 1 p.m.

Ella Rises (0:00:00)
In a world as chaotic as today, learning life and leadership skills is paramount. In today's world, it is also just as important to learn about our respective cultures. And in a time when female rights have never been more important, learning about female empowerment is also vital. Nadia Cates combines leadership, culture and female empowerment in her nonprofit, Ella Rises, which elevates Latina youth. 
Thrifting for the Holidays (0:19:29)
As fun and exciting as the holidays are, they are often tough on our wallets-- even during "normal" times. This year, with so many people out of work, we can expect they will be even more challenging. But just because our wallets may be stricter, does not mean that the holidays have to be any less magical. In fact, they may just be even more unique and special. Erin Marshall from Live Pretty on a Penny shares her wisdom on how to thrift for gifts and decorations. 
Making Your Kids Say Sorry When They Don't Mean It (0:36:38)
The kids are fighting (again), you're in the middle of making dinner, and you are at your wit's end. The easiest thing to do is make the kids apologize to each other and send them to opposite sides of the house. But is that forced apology actually sincere? It's most likely not, and if anything, it is detrimental to their conflict resolution. Melissa Benaroya, founder of Childproof Parenting, shares how we can teach our kids how to regulate conflict and develop empathy. 
How to Bulk (1:11:26)
Gaining weight is most often seen in a negative light. However, if done right, gaining weight can lead to increased strength. This process of putting on the pounds to build muscle and become stronger is called bulking. Fitness and nutrition expert Jaclyn Sklaver helps us better understand the benefits and logistics of it. 
Holiday Party Ideas (1:27:57)
Despite our holiday celebrations looking different this year, we can still have a magical season. Marley Majcher, The Party Goddess, shares tips, tricks and ideas on how to throw epic and safe celebrations, either virtually or with your family.