Brain Injuries, Women in Tech, Post Therapy Hangovers, No-Kill Animal Shelters, Getting More Done, A New Beginning

Published: Jan. 21, 2020, 1 p.m.

Brain Injury Services (0:00:00)
Everyone around us is going through something we may not be aware of. And there are many who suffer physical injuries we can’t see. Traumatic brain injuries are a leading cause of death and disability in the U.S. with 1.7 million affected each year. Though their needs are not so obvious to the seeing eye, they still need our love and support. For this week’s segment on service, we are talking with Denise Hyater and Erin Mattingly from Brain Injury Services. This non-profit is dedicated to helping those who suffer from brain injuries to recover andgain confidence in themselves.
Women in Tech (0:12:29)
When I say, “the founder of an internationally-acclaimed software development company,” do you think of a balding man with glasses and a boring tie? If you do, it’s probably because that’s the image the media perpetuates. Technology is still seen by most people as a man’s world. But some women are claiming their rightful place at the top of it. Our guest today is Anna Murray, the founder of E MEDIA, an internationally acclaimed software development agency, and… she’s a woman. 
Post Therapy Hangovers (0:33:35)
Leaving therapy, do you ever feel on top of the world? On the flip side, have you ever left a session feeling like you just ran an emotional marathon? Therapy hangovers are real and are often hard to get over—especially when you are expected at a meeting 20 meetings after your session. Well today we’ve invited therapist and founder of Manhattan Wellness, Jennifer Silvershein, to share advice on how to prepare for and recover from post-therapy blues.
No-Kill Animal Sanctuaries (0:50:31)
Our pets love us unconditionally (except maybe cats), and we love them too. Unfortunately, there are lots of pets out there without a home or someone to care for them. And they can only stay in some animal shelters for so long. Almost 2,000 animals are being put down in shelters every day.Here to tell us about the movement that’s working to carefor homeless animals is Julie Castle—chief executive officer of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.
Getting More Done in Less Time (1:05:39)
We’ve all experienced days where the time just flies. You look up at the clock, see that it’s past 5 and wonder how the day got away from you. When there is so much to do during the day… working, cleaning, taking care of kids… sometimes it feels impossible to get it all done. Our guest has some tips for making the most of our time. Brian Moran is the author of "The 12 Week Year" – a book about how you can get more done in 12 weeks than most people get done in 12 months. 
A New Beginning (1:24:19)
Award winning recording artist Paul Cardall talks with Lisa and Richie about what matters most to him, and about the effect of music on his life. He also shares about his new album, "Peaceful Piano."