Boston African American Historic Site, Criminals and DNA, Brown Dwarves, Music in COVID, Mini Book Club, Best Cars for Teens

Published: Aug. 20, 2020, noon

Boston African American Historic Site (0:00:00)
Today we have the privilege of highlighting a very special national site for our Adventure Club. The Boston African American National Historic Site commemorates a group that led the nation into the fight against slavery and injustice. This site holds a great deal of history and importance to our nation, especially today. We wanted to learn more about it, so we invited Merrill Kohlhofer, a ranger at Boston African American National Historic Site, to join us on the show today. We’re excited to have him teach us more about this incredible place.
Criminals and DNA Tests (0:18:52)
DNA collection has changed the game in criminal investigation since the mid-80s. But, if police don’t have the suspect’s DNA in the system, they can never match it to DNA found at the crime scene. Until now. Recently, law enforcement realized they can use family member DNA to catch criminals. DNA testing company databases are essential in these types of cases. Here to help us understand this, we’ve invited Dr. Barbara Rae-Venter, a world renowned Investigative Genetic Genealogist. She was instrumental in helping identifying the Golden State Killer and murderer of the Allenstown Four.
Brown Dwarves (0:35:34)
When we learn about the solar system growing up, we typically learn about stars, planets and different types of suns. But have you ever heard of a brown dwarf? These strange space bodies lie somewhere in between a star and a planet and were only first discovered a few decades ago. So why are these planets-that-aren’t-planets so important to scientists and researchers? Joining us today is Dr. Denise Stephens, a professor of astronomy at Brigham Young University and recognized expert of brown dwarfs, here with us to talk about these unique planetary bodies and how they can teach us about our universe.
Writing Music During COVID-19 (0:52:50)
Creating is never easy, whether you’re a musician, writer, artist, or you’re just trying to figure out a creative new way of connecting with people. Creating requires a lot of brainpower—and right now, a lot of us might just feel too drained. There are a few, however, that seem to have figured out how to really make the most of this time. We have one of them here with us today—singer/songwriter Natalie Gelman.
Mini Book Club: Summer Surprises (1:17:55)
Rachel Wadham, of BYU Radio’s Worlds Awaiting, talks with Lisa and Richie about the surprise summer books that are worth checking out.
Best Cars for Teens (1:27:08)
As your kids reach the driving age and you start looking to buy a car for them, many factors are at play. For example, as parents we have to consider safety and cost, two things that often conflict with each other. Maybe we don’t want to spend money on a new car for a 16-year-old, and the old beater at the car lot would fit in the budget you’ve made for your teenager. But that car may not be the safest option. So, where’s the balance? Joining us to share her expert advice, as well as the results of the 2020 Best Cars for Teens Awards, is the executive editor of U.S News Best Cars, Jamie Page Deaton.