Avoiding Scams, Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband, Helping Immigrant Students, A Christmas Feast, Christmas Fashion

Published: Dec. 15, 2020, 1 p.m.

Avoiding Popular Scams (0:00:00)
If you have an email address, chances are you’re pretty familiar with scam mail.  They line your junk folder, telling you that you could be a millionaire today if you just send them your bank information. While it’s easy to make fun of these obvious flukes, smart scam artists can trick even the smartest people on a regular basis. So, with scam artists continuing to adapt and improve their scam skills, how can you be ready to defend yourself from fraud? Joining us this morning is Ashley Smith, an attorney from Salt Lake City, here with us to discuss some of the most widely used scams and how we can avoid them.
Lisa’s Christmas Music Sampler: Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band (0:17:35)
Lisa and Richie talk to Ryan Shupe of Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band about his Christmas plans and traditions, and they perform In Bethlehem and The Night That Christ Was Born.
Helping Immigrant and Refugee Students (0:41:33)
The early years of our schooling experiences are hard. We try to add our letters and read our numbers and it seems impossible that we’ll ever get them straight. But eventually things fall into place and we get the hang of school. However, this experience is not shared by all school kids. There are many students who have experienced interrupted schooling and for whom English is likely not their mother tongue. These students typically come from immigrant and refugee populations and have very different educational needs than those who don’t face these barriers. Here to discuss what the educational needs are of these immigrant and refugee students and how to meet these needs is Dr. Lisa Auslander, Principal Investigator and Project Director for New York City’s Bridges to Academic Success.
A Christmas Feast (0:52:46)
What do you think of when you think December? I don’t know about you, but my thoughts immediately go to one thing—the food! Christmas is hands-down one of tastiest seasons on the culinary calendar. From the Christmas treats of fudge and cookies and wassail to the Christmas day menu of ham and roast carrots, December is a month that’s a delight for the senses (but mostly the taste-buds).  And if you’re as serious about your Christmas fare as we are, then you’re in luck. We’ve invited a professional on today to talk all things Christmas food and about her own special Christmas tradition. Here today is cookbook author and author of the New York Times Cooking column “A Good Appetite”, Melissa Clark.
Christmas Fashion (1:11:47)
For most of the year, we’ve spent our days in sweat pants. Why dress up during a pandemic? Especially when no one can tell who we are behind the masks?  But as we strive to make Christmas more special than the rest of the year, perhaps we should consider dressing up for the holiday. So, before you put on that ugly Christmas sweater or sequin top, we’ve invited Amanda Valentine to give us all her Christmas fashion tips and discuss winter’s fashion trends. Amanda is a fashion designer, celebrity stylist and Lisa’s sister.