Adventure Club Giveaway, Picky Eaters, Picking a Pet, Quarantine Kids, Procrastination, Happiness Break, Artemis Fowl, Weekend Review

Published: June 12, 2020, noon

Helping Picky Eaters (0:00:00)
 Has your kid ever pushed away a plate of food they didn’t want to eat? How about a different plate every night? Among young children, picky eating is almost a rite of passage for their age –but that doesn’t make it any easier on the parents trying to teach them good eating habits. When your little one has rejected their bowl of veggies for the 57thtime, what can you do? Luckily, there are solutions for how you can help your mini food critic. Joining us on the show today is Roy Benaroch, a pediatrician and adjunct associate professor at Emory University, here with us to discuss how to dismantle picky eating and help your kid with their food habits.
Lisa’s Adventure Club Giveaway (0:17:32)
Richie awards this week’s Annual National Parks pass to a lucky winner. We’re going to be giving away passes every week, all summer long. You can enter to win here.
Picking a Pet (0:21:05)
Your children have been nagging you for a pet for the last 5 years. They’ve convinced you they’ll walk it, feed it, and clean it and you’re finally ready to cave in. After a little research, you realize the market is so huge, you don’t know where to begin! Should you get a cat, a dog, or a gerbil? Or maybe your kids are best suited for a pet rock. Here to help us navigate the world of pets is Temma Martin, public relations manager for Best Friends Animal Society and an advocate for animal welfare organizations.
Quarantine Kids (0:36:28)
Young adults love freedom: financial freedom, freedom to travel, and especially freedom from parents telling them what they can and can’t do. But as colleges continue to stay online for the summer and jobs are running scarce, more and more adults are moving back in with their parents in order to stay afloat. This has created a strange situation for parents as they navigate through what their relationship with their adult kids should look like. So, after years of them being out of the house, how should parents approach this new relationship dynamic with their children? We’ve invited friend of the show Dr. Lara Fielding on with us to discuss how to be the best parents we can be to our adult children.
Overcoming Procrastination (0:52:47)
You know, I’ve been meaning to get around to stop procrastinating... But maybe I’ll do it tomorrow. Procrastination plagues all of us. Putting off our responsibilities is an easy habit to slip into. And while it feels good in the moment, it just means we’ll be more stressed out later. So, what can we do to overcome our urge to procrastinate? Here to talk us through it is procrastination coach Dr. Linda Sapadin.
Happiness Break (1:10:24)
Every day we’re bombarded with news stories about rising COVID-19 cases and violent riots across the country. It’s exhausting, and I know many of you feel the same way. Do you ever think about just deleting your social media accounts and throwing your TV into a lake to avoid it all? Me too. But many of us won’t do these things, because we like to be informed. So, how can we be happy when our news feeds are constantly filled with negativity? Wendell Miracle is a life coach and the creator of Hope Nuggets, which focuses on helping people with depression and anxiety. We invited him on the show today to help us understand how we can take a happiness break from the world.
Artemis Fowl (1:27:01)
In 2000, Irish novelist Eoin Colfer watched his novel skyrocket to fame when it was picked up by a United States publisher. Artemis Fowl is the story of a 12 year old criminal mastermind that has recently been turned into a Walt Disney motion picture. This movie recently came out for viewing on Disney+, so we thought it was the perfect time to talk about it. We have the pleasure of discussing the novel and new motion picture with it author, Eoin Colfer, today. Along with writing Artemis Fowl, Eoin was named Ireland's laureate for children's literature in 2014. We’re excited to have him on the show today!
Weekend Review (1:36:34)
Richie talks about what there is to do this weekend, from what to watch to where to go.