Tales from the Tower | Season 3 | Ep. 2 | Cleaning Crew

Published: March 19, 2019, 12:59 a.m.

b'Burke\'s team typically cleans murder sites, however they may have arrived at their latest job too soon...\\nThis episode of Tales from the Tower was written by Ben Thompson - the writer behind BadassoftheWeek.com and features characters submitted by fans who played the Liberty: AFTER roleplaying game.\\n\\nCredits:\\nWritten by Ben Thompson\\nProduced, Co-Edited, with Sound Design by Travis Vengroff\\nCo-Edited, with additional Sound Design by Pacific S. Obadiah\\nMixing & Mastering by Brandon Strader\\nThe Character "Stahley" was Created by\\xa0Morgan Humphries\\n\\nCast:\\nPetrus Claerhaut :: Peter Lewis\\nBurke :: Russ D. More \\nStahley :: Kristen DiMercurio\\nBennett :: Caitlin Buckley\\nGirl :: Christy Luse\\n\\nMusic:\\n\\u201cTales from the Tower Theme\\u201d \\u2013 Arranged and Performed by\\xa0Brandon Boone\\n\\u201cNews Theme\\u201d \\u2013 Written and performed by Travis Vengroff\\n\\u201cCritical Research 2.0\\u201d \\u2013 Written by Travis Vengroff, arranged and performed by Steven Melin\\n\\u201cBlackout\\u201d \\u2013 Written by Adam Cartwright, arranged by Travis Vengroff\\nTales from the Tower\\xa0art by Cat Blackard\\n\\nThis is a\\xa0Fool and Scholar Production. We are a two person creative team and we can only create this show because of fan support!\\nPlease support us on Patreon:\\xa0https://www.patreon.com/FoolandScholar\\nCheck out our Merch: www.LibertyEndures.com\\nFree Transcripts are also available: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tales-from-tower-6887972/\\xa0\\n\\nSpecial Thanks to:\\nOur Patreon supporters! |\\xa0Carol Vengroff\\xa0|\\xa0Tovusound\\xa0|\\xa0David Cummings\\n\\nSound Effects: (attribution licensees) \\n\\u201claboratory \\u2013 loop.wav\\u201d originally recorded by sound-master: https://www.freesound.org/people/sound-master/sounds/57329\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'