Tales from the Tower | Season 1 | Ep. 10 | Cleaning Day

Published: Sept. 2, 2017, 7:45 p.m.

b'Thank you to all of our valued Citizen listeners for tuning in for this final episode of\\xa0Liberty: Tales from the Tower. We have enjoyed many frightening tales spun across our great colony, and as there is no shortage of darkness in the world, who knows what other horrors might find us in the future.\\xa0Now, we go back to Aurelia, who has all the lifetime news you need to know\\u2026\\n\\nCredits:\\nWritten by Kaitlin Statz\\nProduced, Edited, with Sound Design by Travis Vengroff\\nMixing and Mastering by Brandon Strader\\nTales From the Tower S1\\xa0art by\\xa0\\xc9anna \\xd3\\u2019Neill\\n\\nCast:\\nAurellia Stolo :: Kaitlin Statz\\nCitizen Yamada, Monster :: Travis Vengroff\\nCitizen Egnatius :: Josh Steelman\\nCitizen Varinia :: Lani Minella\\nOfficer Hadrianus :: Brandon Strader\\n\\nMusic:\\n\\u201cTales From the Tower\\u201d Theme, Performed by\\xa0Brandon Strader\\n\\u201cTales From the Tower\\u201d Theme & \\u201cAB-3 Jingle\\u201d, Performed by\\xa0Brandon Strader\\n\\u201cLimitless\\u201d Written and Performed by\\xa0David Yasensky\\n\\u201cHeart of Nowhere\\u201d Written and Performed by Kevin MacLeod\\n\\nThis is a\\xa0Fool and Scholar Production. We are a two person creative team and we can only create this show because of fan support!\\nPlease support us on Patreon:\\xa0https://www.patreon.com/FoolandScholar\\nCheck out our Merch: www.LibertyEndures.com\\nFree Transcripts are also available: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tales-from-tower-6887972/\\xa0\\n\\nSpecial Thanks to:\\nOur Patreon supporters! |\\xa0Carol Vengroff\\xa0|\\xa0Tovusound\\xa0|\\xa0David Cummings\\n\\nSound Effects: (attribution licenses)\\n\\u201claboratory \\u2013 loop.wav\\u201d originally recorded by sound-master: https://www.freesound.org/people/sound-master/sounds/57329/\\n\\u201cstatic sputtering noises 1.wav\\u201d edited, originally recorded by Jobro https://www.freesound.org/people/jobro/sounds/182928/\\n\\u201cDoor Key Card Unlock and open\\u201d edited, originalled recorded by MrProfDrDickweed https://www.freesound.org/people/MrProfDrDickweed/sounds/271726/\\n\\u201cDoor_Metal_Groans_Ext.wav\\u201d edited, originally recorded by Cell31_sound_Productions https://www.freesound.org/people/Cell31_Sound_Productions/sounds/264014/\\n\\u201cofiice_construction.wav\\u201d originally recorded by Zabuhailo\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'