Critical Research :: Entry 009

Published: Aug. 22, 2017, 7:16 p.m.

Free of the shadowy dwelling of the Dark Kin, the Atrian explorers find themselves at odds over the loss of their comrade, Officer Patel. In an attempt to set them back on the right course, the team heads off towards an unexpected location.

Written by Kaitlin Statz

Co-Created & Produced by Travis Vengroff

“Critical Research Theme” by Careless Juja

Mixed by Brandon Strader

This is a Fool and Scholar Production. Please Support us on Patreon:

Dr. Martollow Kovski :: Paul Mella
Officer Decima Jalloh :: Lauren Griffin
Officer Severous Ljqvist :: Travis Vengroff
Gradius Rodriguez :: John Hex Carter
Shiny :: Emily Amesquita
Sexy Dakk :: Andrew Spittal
Waitress :: Nicky Holland
Guard :: Robert Pitsley
Additional Characters :: David Yasensky & Tony Baldini

Special Thanks to:
The Imagur Community  |  Éanna Ó’Neill (For his wonderful artwork)  |  Dr. Wily of the NESKimos  |  Adam Cartwright  |  Cap Blackard

Sound Effects: (attribution licensees)
“static sputtering noises 1.wav” edited, originally recorded by Jobro
“NYPD Police Scanner.mp3” edited, originally recorded by FlyinEye
“FootstepsOnaDock.wav” edited, originally recorded by mmaruska
“Slaughter house ambiance recording [BG].mp3” edited, originally recorded by Audionautics