What Will You Do To Stop Trump?

Published: Nov. 4, 2016, 7:01 p.m.

b'Mark Grimaldi, Executive Producer of The Leslie Marshall Show, guest hosts for Leslie during today\'s show.

He\'s joined by Political Strategist Brad Bannon and callers as they discuss the following topics:

-What it would mean for our economy and our country if Donald Trump became President, and how to stop him (volunteer at www.moveon.org/win)

-The strong October jobs report (161,000 jobs added, unemployment down to 4.9% and average hourly earnings rose 2.8% over the prior year, the biggest jump since the financial crisis). How the jobs report will potentially affect the presidential rate

-Kurt Eichenwald of Newsweek\\u2019s report on how Trump\\u2019s baffling ties to Russia could blow up the U.S. alliance with Britain and France (http://tinyurl.com/zyk9245)

- Two former aides to NJ Governor Chris Christie, who is in charge of the Trump transition team if he\\u2019s elected President, being found guilty in \\u2018Bridgegate\\u2019

- What the Latino population has at stake in this election, and why it\\u2019s sometimes hard to accurately poll them

- Anderson Cooper challenging Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway on the hypocrisy of Melania Trump\\u2019s cyberbullying concerns

- How voting third-party could benefit Trump at the polls

Brad Bannon runs Bannon Communications Research, a polling, message development and media firm which helps labor unions, progressive issue groups and Democratic candidates win public affairs and political campaigns.

Brad is also a senior adviser to and contributing editor for Tiller4you.com, the social media network for politics.

He lectures in Political Science at Salem State University in Salem, Massachusetts.

Brad\'s Twitter handle is @BradBannon and his website is www.BannonCR.com.

Mark Grimaldi\'s Twitter handle is @MarkJGrimaldi.

(Image Credit: Brian Snyder/Reuters)'