Virginia Shooting Proves Gun Violence Does Not Discriminate

Published: June 15, 2017, 7:05 p.m.

b"In today's episode, Leslie is joined by Andrew Patrick of The Coalition To Prevent Gun Violence, or CSGV.

They break down the many complicated angles related to the Congressional shooting in Virginia, including how the shooter likely legally obtained his weapon, despite multiple past incidents of violence, including domestic violence.

Andrew Patrick, along with the CSGV, advocate for responsible gun reforms, and they discuss several ideas they believe can help alleviate a uniquely American gun violence problem.

As yesterday's attack shows, gun violence knows no bias, affecting all people of any race, religion or ethnicity. As the country mourns yet another senseless act of gun violence, Andrew correctly points out this will not be the last time of such an incident, as we are still less than a year removed from the horrific events at Pulse nightclub in Miami, and the racially motivated attacks in a church in Charleston.

The CSGV can be reached @CSGV, and at Andrew Patrick can be reached via Twitter @Andrew_Patrick.

(Image Credit: Joshua Roberts/Reuters)"