The Role of Local Prosecutors in Fighting Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents

Published: Feb. 9, 2021, 7:52 p.m.

b'Leslie begins today\'s show with her \'Ripped from the Headlines\' news segment.
Here are the stories that she gave her take on:
1. AXIOS: "Day 1 of Trump\'s second impeachment trial"

2. AUDIO: House Impeachment Manager Jamie Raskin\'s opening impeachment trial statement

3. AUDIO: Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) refers to Trump\'s failed coup attempt as deserving of a mulligan

4. CNN: "Millions who likely voted for Trump want him barred from future office"

5. AXIOS: "CBO: $15 minimum wage would increase unemployment but lift 900,000 out of poverty"

6. CNN: "Georgia secretary of state\'s office launches investigation into Trump\'s phone call"

7. AXIOS: "How to deprogram America\'s extremists"

Leslie is then joined by\\xa0Mimi Rocah, District Attorney of Westchester County, located just north of New York City, and a legal commentator.

The two discuss D.A. Rocah\'s new piece for USA Today, titled "We can fight hate in our communities before it escalates to violent crime and extremism."

Since taking office on January 1st, 2021,\\xa0District Attorney Rocah\\xa0has focused on rebuilding trust between law enforcement and the community, and shaping a safer and fairer criminal justice system for all of the county\\u2019s 950,000 residents. Rocah was a federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York for 17 years, including five years as Chief of the Westchester Division for the U.S. Department of Justice.\\xa0 Mimi is also a legal commentator for national media.Her DA Twitter handle is @WestchesterDA and her personal Twitter handle is @MimiRocah1.

(Image Credit: John David Mercer/USA Today Network)'