Palin's Blame Game on PTSD in Military Veterans

Published: Jan. 26, 2016, 3:16 a.m.

b'I\'m joined by two guests this hour to discuss former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin\'s blaming President Obama for her son Track\'s PTSD.

First, I\'m joined by Matt Miller, the chief policy officer at Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA). Miller is also a Navy veteran who has served in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and multiple tours in Iraq and most recently Afghanistan.
Miller, as well as IAVA President Paul Rieckhoff, said it is not President Obama\'s fault if Track Palin has PTSD and that it is wrong to politicize the subject.

Next, I\'m joined by Dr. Paul Coleman, Psychologist and author of the new book Finding Peace When Your Heart is in Pieces. Dr. Coleman specializes in Post Traumatic Stress, grief and anxiety, with over 30 years of experience.
He has appeared nationally on shows such as OPRAH, TODAY and National Public Radio and was recently interviewed by TIME magazine.

Dr. Coleman discusses the broader subject of PTSD in our soldiers.

Matt Miller\'s Twitter handle is @MMiller_IAVA and the website for IAVA is

Dr. Paul Coleman\'s website is'