Latest on Student Loan Debt Forgiveness with SDCC Leaders

Published: Dec. 16, 2022, 7:59 p.m.

b"How can you talk intelligently about student loan debt forgiveness when it comes up during your holiday get-togethers?
Hear from today's guest hosts, SDCC leaders, about the latest news surrounding President Biden's executive order forgiving Student Loan Debt for millions of Americans. This includes challenges to the order at the Supreme Court level, payment pauses, and more.

The Student Debt Crisis Center (SDCC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that centers the needs and voices of borrowers, and partners with allies, to impact public policy and end the student debt crisis.

Today's SDCC guest hosts are President and Founder, Natalia Abrams, Executive Director, Cody Hounanian, and Director of Outreach, Sabrina Calazans.

Their website is and their handle on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is @DebtCrisisOrg.

(Image Credit: Paul Morigi/Getty)"