Cliff Schecter Guest Hosts The Leslie Marshall Show

Published: Nov. 28, 2016, 9:01 p.m.

b'Cliff Schecter guest hosts the show today. In addition to being Founder and President of the public relations and political strategy firm, Libertas LLC, he is also a regular guest of Leslie\'s on the show.

Cliff is joined by four different guests during the show.

First, he\'s joined by David Pepper, Chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party.

The two discuss whether there is a line that some Congressional Republicans will not let President-Elect Trump cross, and whether they\'ll stand up to him if crosses it.

David\\u2019s website is and his Twitter handle is @DavidPepper.

Second, Cliff is joined by Lori Haas, Virginia State Director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.

They discuss why allowing guns on college campuses make students and faculty less safe.

The website for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is Lori\\u2019s Twitter handle is @LoriHaasVA.

Third, Cliff is joined by Dean Obeidallah, a SiriusXM radio host, and a writer for and The Daily Beast.

They discuss the dangerous attitude toward Muslims held by President-Elect Trump and his staff.

Dean\\u2019s website is and his Twitter handle is @DeanOfComedy.

Cliff\\u2019s final guest today is Bob Cesca, co-host of \\u201cThe Bob and Chez Show\\u201d and a writer.

The two discuss why Donald Trump\'s \'plan\' to repeal and replace Obamacare will likely force over 20 million Americans to lose their health insurance and raise rates for those who are able to keep their insurance.

Bob\\u2019s website is and his Twitter handle is @bobcesca_go.

Cliff Schecter has worked on campaigns or as a public relations consultant for everyone from former President Bill Clinton to former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation.

Schecter is the author of the 2008 Bestseller "The Real McCain," a columnist for The Daily Beast and sits on the Board of the Ohio Innocence Project.
His Twitter handle is @CliffSchecter.'