The Lesbian Podcast #12 - U Haul

Published: Feb. 24, 2009, 6:55 a.m.


We have an intriguing show for our audience:  you, as a listener, can interact with The Lesbian Podcast.  You just have to listen to the podcast and click on the U-Haul It link to participate and determine the results.




Q News:


Chinese people use Valentine\'s Day to rally for equal rights and gay marriage.




Rainbow Rumors:


Pink is spotted in NYC lunching with a dyke and another of Jenny\'s friends is rumored to have killed her.  We also introduce a new segment to our website Ask Charlie by reading the latest question and advice.


The voting poll has been closed.  The listener who won the T-shirt from 5733 has been contacted.  Thanks for participating!






 Check out pics from the recording session
