Faith Calls Asking If She Is Ready To Make The Jump To Full Time Teaching

Published: Sept. 11, 2018, 8 p.m.

The Ken Coleman Show is here to help answer your questions about career, passion, and talent so you can maximize your potential. Do you have a question for Ken? Call us at 844-747-2577 or email for a chance to be featured on the show.

Caller Topics:

I currently am a substitute teacher and I think I want to move to full-time, but I am dealing with fear.

I thought I knew what I wanted to do, but now I'm not sure.

I want to find a full-time career that I enjoy, but I am struggling with my passions.

I am tired of my hard labor career; can you help me figure out what I can do in the mentorship realm?

What would be a good side hustle for me to do in order to supplement my income?