Why is There a Tree on That Building?

Published: July 12, 2021, 6 a.m.

b'You may have noticed something strange while passing a new building under construction: a small tree on the top of the structure. In this episode, we discuss why it\'s there. It\'s called the "Topping Out Ceremony" and it\'s a bizarre tradition/superstition that\'s lasted more than 1,400 years. Then we do a quiz with Author, Speaker and Comedian Amma Marfo!\\xa0\\n\\nVote for this podcast in the Columbus Podcast Awards at http://columbuspodcastawards.com/nominations\\n\\nBonus episodes and content available at http://Patreon.com/MichaelKent\\nFor 20% Virtual Presenter Course, visit http://virtualpresentercourse.com/30\\nFor 15% at SCOTTeVEST, visit http://scottevest.cwv7.net/a3VBZ'