The Instigator - Episode 33 - Byfuglien Left His Team Hangin

Published: Oct. 24, 2019, 1:40 a.m.

b'Brad Burud from Inside Edge Hockey News is fired up with "Big Buff." Dustin Byfuglien decided not to report to camp this year and has left the Winnipeg Jets high and dry. It is his life and his career, but the timing was unprofessional. The Jets defense was decimated over the summer with free agency and now this is the final kicker. The Jets and his teammates are forced to deal with this as Byfuglien contemplates his career. The real question is, if Byfuglien decides to return how do his teammates and coaching staff react. With his salary is it too much to think that maybe the Jets don\\u2019t want a half motivated \\u201cbig buff\\u201d back?'