Why should you get a flu shot?

Published: Oct. 12, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

b'Jarrod Bagatell, MD (photo by Jim Howe) Jarrod Bagatell, MD (photo by Jim Howe) The The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months be vaccinated against influenza. J that everyone over the age of 6 months be vaccinated against influenza. J arrod Bagatell, MD arrod Bagatell, MD, a family physician who directs Upstate\'s Employee and Student Health, encourages people to, a family physician who directs Upstate\'s Employee and Student Health, encourages people to get vaccinated get vaccinated by the end of October if possible. While it\'s true that getting a flu shot does not guarantee that a person will not be exposed to and become sick from the flu, it improves one\'s chances of staying healthy during flu season. Bagatell also goes over methods to help reduce transmission of the virus. He also recommenda by the end of October if possible. While it\'s true that getting a flu shot does not guarantee that a person will not be exposed to and become sick from the flu, it improves one\'s chances of staying healthy during flu season. Bagatell also goes over methods to help reduce transmission of the virus. He also recommenda a lighthearted music video from Upstate encouraging flu vaccination a lighthearted music video from Upstate encouraging flu vaccination. For additional guidelines on flu vaccinations, visit the websites of the. For additional guidelines on flu vaccinations, visit the websites of the New York State Health Department New York State Health Department, the, the American Academy of Pediatrics American Academy of Pediatrics and the and the American Academy of Family Physicians. American Academy of Family Physicians.'