Why measles has re-emerged as an infectious threat; child sex trafficking in Central New York; mental health research: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, April 21, 2019

Published: April 19, 2019, 8:16 a.m.

b'Upstate pediatrician Upstate pediatrician Alicia Pekarsky, MD, an expert on child abuse, discusses child sex trafficking in Central New York Alicia Pekarsky, MD, an expert on child abuse, discusses child sex trafficking in Central New York. Upstate pediatric infectious disease expert. Upstate pediatric infectious disease expert Jana Shaw, MD, provides an overview of childhood vaccinations and the recent re-emergence of measles. Jana Shaw, MD, provides an overview of childhood vaccinations and the recent re-emergence of measles. Researcher Researcher Susan Amara, PhD, shares some of the studies underway at the National Institute of Mental Health, where she is scientific director of intramural research. Susan Amara, PhD, shares some of the studies underway at the National Institute of Mental Health, where she is scientific director of intramural research.    '