What's new in diabetes research

Published: Aug. 2, 2019, 5:01 p.m.

b'Ruth Weinstock, MD, PhD Ruth Weinstock, MD, PhD (photo by Jim Howe) (photo by Jim Howe) Some medications that work for adults with type 2 diabetes don\'t work as well in adolescents and youth with type 2 diabetes. Also, younger people with type 2 diabetes appear to develop complications more quickly than older people with the disease. Those are some of the findings of a recent study that involved patients from Upstate\'s Joslin Diabetes Center. Some medications that work for adults with type 2 diabetes don\'t work as well in adolescents and youth with type 2 diabetes. Also, younger people with type 2 diabetes appear to develop complications more quickly than older people with the disease. Those are some of the findings of a recent study that involved patients from Upstate\'s Joslin Diabetes Center. Ruth Weinstock, MD, PhD Ruth Weinstock, MD, PhD, chief of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at Upstate, discusses that study, plus several others related to type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and offers a look at what\'s on the horizon of diabetes care. The Joslin Diabetes Center offers a variety of clinical trials;, chief of endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at Upstate, discusses that study, plus several others related to type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and offers a look at what\'s on the horizon of diabetes care. The Joslin Diabetes Center offers a variety of clinical trials; click here click here for more information or call 315-464-9008. for more information or call 315-464-9008.'