What's involved in surgery to correct scoliosis and other spinal deformities

Published: Aug. 1, 2019, 12:35 p.m.

b'Michale Galgano, MD Michale Galgano, MD (photo by Jim Howe) (photo by Jim Howe) When spinal deformities impact daily life, patients may consider the option of surgery. Upstate neurosurgeon When spinal deformities impact daily life, patients may consider the option of surgery. Upstate neurosurgeon Michael Galgano, MD Michael Galgano, MD, explans what\'s involved in the procedure. He addresses the spinal curvature known as scoliosis, as well as kyphosis, an abnormal rounding of the upper back., explans what\'s involved in the procedure. He addresses the spinal curvature known as scoliosis, as well as kyphosis, an abnormal rounding of the upper back.'