What to consider if you are thinking about weight-loss surgery

Published: Nov. 2, 2017, 4:47 p.m.

b'Weight-loss surgeon Weight-loss surgeon Jesse Gutnick, MD Jesse Gutnick, MD, left, says most of his patients have considered surgical help to lose weight for years before they end up in his office for a serious discussion about their options. Gutnick, who is fellowship trained in bariatric surgery, talks about how to prepare for such an operation and what to expect afterward. The surgery\'s success depends on which operation is done, the patient\'s genetics and how well he or she adapts to the lifestyle changes required after surgery., left, says most of his patients have considered surgical help to lose weight for years before they end up in his office for a serious discussion about their options. Gutnick, who is fellowship trained in bariatric surgery, talks about how to prepare for such an operation and what to expect afterward. The surgery\'s success depends on which operation is done, the patient\'s genetics and how well he or she adapts to the lifestyle changes required after surgery.'