Visual cues, better labeling can help control food portions

Published: Oct. 20, 2016, 10:07 a.m.

b'Food portion sizes have grown over the years, and figuring out what constitutes a healthy portion can be confusing, but Upstate registered dietitian nutritionist Maureen Franklin offers some easy visual cues. One\\u2018s palm can be used as an estimate for protein servings, for example, and one\\u2018s fist for estimating pasta or rice servings. Franklin also notes that a more realistic and less confusing nutritional labeling system is coming into use in the next few years and offers an Food portion sizes have grown over the years, and figuring out what constitutes a healthy portion can be confusing, but Upstate registered dietitian nutritionist Maureen Franklin offers some easy visual cues. One\\u2018s palm can be used as an estimate for protein servings, for example, and one\\u2018s fist for estimating pasta or rice servings. Franklin also notes that a more realistic and less confusing nutritional labeling system is coming into use in the next few years and offers an online resource to plan and track one‘s personal diet online resource to plan and track one‘s personal diet as well as a as well as a “portion distortion” quiz “portion distortion” quiz that shows the increases in what is considered a normal portion for various foods. that shows the increases in what is considered a normal portion for various foods.'