Urban gardening yields multifaceted harvest

Published: Dec. 4, 2015, 11:53 a.m.

b'Urban gardening programs can yield more than just fresh produce -- they can unite neighborhoods, teach life skills and promote healthy eating and social justice. Urban gardening programs can yield more than just fresh produce -- they can unite neighborhoods, teach life skills and promote healthy eating and social justice. Several organizations Several organizations in Syracuse in Syracuse sponsor gardening projects and also work together sponsor gardening projects and also work together to promote the idea. to promote the idea. Upstate Upstate pediatricians pediatricians Travis Hobart, MD Travis Hobart, MD (left), and (left), and Joseph Nimeh, MD Joseph Nimeh, MD, describe how their interests in gardening and promoting health led them to join the process., describe how their interests in gardening and promoting health led them to join the process.'