Upstate Cancer Center offers team approach to treating melanoma

Published: March 9, 2017, 10:42 a.m.

b'Melanoma accounts for only about 1 percent of skin cancers, but it\'s the skin cancer most likely to grow and spread, and the deadliest. A multi-specialist team at the Upstate Cancer Center helps patients make sense of their melanoma treatment options, which may include surgery, medication or radiation, or a combination. For some patients, participation in a clinical trial may have benefits, explains Upstate surgeon Melanoma accounts for only about 1 percent of skin cancers, but it\'s the skin cancer most likely to grow and spread, and the deadliest. A multi-specialist team at the Upstate Cancer Center helps patients make sense of their melanoma treatment options, which may include surgery, medication or radiation, or a combination. For some patients, participation in a clinical trial may have benefits, explains Upstate surgeon Scott Albert, MD Scott Albert, MD. .'