Team of experts cares for patients with cancers of the stomach, esophagus, liver, pancreas or bile ducts

Published: Feb. 22, 2018, 1 p.m.

b'Jason Wallen, MD, left, and Ajay Jain, MD (photo by Jim Howe) Jason Wallen, MD, left, and Ajay Jain, MD (photo by Jim Howe) Stomach and esophageal cancers can be complex, difficult to distinguish and variable in terms of treatment recommendations. Patients who seek care through the Upstate Cancer Center now benefit from a multidisciplinary team approach, in which surgeons, oncologists, radiologists and other caregivers collaborate about the best options for individual patients. Surgeons Stomach and esophageal cancers can be complex, difficult to distinguish and variable in terms of treatment recommendations. Patients who seek care through the Upstate Cancer Center now benefit from a multidisciplinary team approach, in which surgeons, oncologists, radiologists and other caregivers collaborate about the best options for individual patients. Surgeons Jason Wallen, MD Jason Wallen, MD, and, and Ajay Jain, MD Ajay Jain, MD, explain this approach to cancers of the upper portion of the digestive system, known as the foregut, which includes the pancreas, liver and bile ducts, in addition to the stomach and esophagus., explain this approach to cancers of the upper portion of the digestive system, known as the foregut, which includes the pancreas, liver and bile ducts, in addition to the stomach and esophagus.'