Strength training for seniors; hospital's 'one-room schoolhouse'; SU football coach talks fitness, motivation: Upstate Medical University's HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019

Published: Oct. 16, 2019, 3:18 p.m.

b'Upstate exercise physiologist Upstate exercise physiologist Carol Sames, PhD, discusses the importance of strength training, especially for seniors Carol Sames, PhD, discusses the importance of strength training, especially for seniors. Teacher. Teacher Mary Ellen Michalenko tells about the school within the Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital Mary Ellen Michalenko tells about the school within the Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital. Syracuse University head football coach. Syracuse University head football coach Dino Babers talks about fitness and motivation. Dino Babers talks about fitness and motivation.'