Social worker helps people find their way after on-the-job illness or injury

Published: Aug. 23, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

b'Carla Patterson-Wingate (photo by Jim Howe) Carla Patterson-Wingate (photo by Jim Howe) Social worker C Social worker C arla Patterson-Wingate arla Patterson-Wingate talks about how her father\'s situation inspired her to devote her practice to occupational health. She explains her work in Upstate\'s Occupational Health Clinical Center, providing counseling and guidance to people who have been injured or become seriously ill on the job. talks about how her father\'s situation inspired her to devote her practice to occupational health. She explains her work in Upstate\'s Occupational Health Clinical Center, providing counseling and guidance to people who have been injured or become seriously ill on the job.'