Scientist: Cobalt is underappreciated nutritional element

Published: Aug. 23, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

b'Michael Meguid, MD Michael Meguid, MD Cobalt is a trace element, a metal, that is part of vitamin B-12 and plays an important role in maintaining normal human health, according to Cobalt is a trace element, a metal, that is part of vitamin B-12 and plays an important role in maintaining normal human health, according to Michael Meguid Michael Meguid, MD, a professor emeritus from Upstate who is the emeritus eidtor-in-chief of "Nutrition, The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences." Meguid, a surgeon who became interested in nutrition, explains the role of cobalt and what happens if there is too much or too little in the body., MD, a professor emeritus from Upstate who is the emeritus eidtor-in-chief of "Nutrition, The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences." Meguid, a surgeon who became interested in nutrition, explains the role of cobalt and what happens if there is too much or too little in the body.'