Researcher: Low-wage workers have a right to a healthy, safe workplace

Published: July 14, 2017, 10:24 a.m.

b'Making a low wage is a health hazard, says Jeanette Zoeckler, PhD, the director of research and special projects for the Making a low wage is a health hazard, says Jeanette Zoeckler, PhD, the director of research and special projects for the Occupational Health Clinical Center Occupational Health Clinical Center at Upstate. She\'s been immersed in the Low-Wage Workers\' Health Project since 2013, analyzing the health effects of low-wage jobs on workers, mostly from the service sectors of multiple industries. Conditions that can put workers at risk include: chemicals used in the workplace, requirements to stand for long periods, the sheer volume of work and in some cases, an emotional toll. Her study charts a variety of symptoms reported by 559 low-wage workers from the Syracuse area. The next phase of her research will expand into other areas of Central New York. at Upstate. She\'s been immersed in the Low-Wage Workers\' Health Project since 2013, analyzing the health effects of low-wage jobs on workers, mostly from the service sectors of multiple industries. Conditions that can put workers at risk include: chemicals used in the workplace, requirements to stand for long periods, the sheer volume of work and in some cases, an emotional toll. Her study charts a variety of symptoms reported by 559 low-wage workers from the Syracuse area. The next phase of her research will expand into other areas of Central New York.'