Protecting yourself from sexually transmitted diseases; how cancer survival rates have improved; avoiding injury when using smartphones, tablets: Upstate Medical Universitys HealthLink on Air for Sunday, Dec. 24, 2017

Published: Dec. 21, 2017, 11:12 a.m.

Elizabeth Asiago-Reddy, MD Elizabeth Asiago-Reddy, MD, , t t alks about alks about sexually transmitted diseases and how to protect yourself from them. sexually transmitted diseases and how to protect yourself from them. Leslie Kohman, MD, explains why Leslie Kohman, MD, explains why overall cancer death rates have fallen i overall cancer death rates have fallen i n recent decades, with some exceptions. Doctor of physical therapy Adam Rufa advises n recent decades, with some exceptions. Doctor of physical therapy Adam Rufa advises how to avoid pain and injury when using smartphones, tablets and other high-tech devices how to avoid pain and injury when using smartphones, tablets and other high-tech devices. .