Procedure fights bacterium as alternative to antibiotics

Published: Sept. 10, 2015, 11:14 a.m.

b'A virulent intestinal bacterium that is often resistant to antibiotics is being fought with an age-old practice. Clostridium difficile, or \\u201cC. diff,\\u201d can sicken or even kill patients, but a fecal transplant can help restore the normal balance of gut bacteria, explains A virulent intestinal bacterium that is often resistant to antibiotics is being fought with an age-old practice. Clostridium difficile, or \\u201cC. diff,\\u201d can sicken or even kill patients, but a fecal transplant can help restore the normal balance of gut bacteria, explains David Heisig, MD David Heisig, MD, an Upstate gastroenterologist. After screening, slurried stool from a healthy donor is inserted into the patient by colonoscopy, and although much research remains to be done, anecdotal evidence of its effectiveness is strong so far, Heisig said., an Upstate gastroenterologist. After screening, slurried stool from a healthy donor is inserted into the patient by colonoscopy, and although much research remains to be done, anecdotal evidence of its effectiveness is strong so far, Heisig said.'