Preventing sepsis, a potentially deadly complication of infection

Published: Oct. 27, 2017, 11:37 a.m.

b'Pediatrician Pediatrician Melissa Schafer, MD, Melissa Schafer, MD, left, describes how sepsis -- a potentially life-threatening infection complication -- develops, how it is diagnosed and treated and what steps are in place at Upstate to help identify and treat sepsis early. left, describes how sepsis -- a potentially life-threatening infection complication -- develops, how it is diagnosed and treated and what steps are in place at Upstate to help identify and treat sepsis early. Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital has been recognized for efforts to prevent sepsis Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital has been recognized for efforts to prevent sepsis. The Sepsis Alliance -- a group that raises awareness of sepsis and educates health care providers on how best to treat it -- bestowed the "Sepsis Hero" recognition on the children\'s hospital for its part in The Children\\u2018s Hospital Association Improving Pediatric Sepsis Outcomes Collaborative.. The Sepsis Alliance -- a group that raises awareness of sepsis and educates health care providers on how best to treat it -- bestowed the "Sepsis Hero" recognition on the children\'s hospital for its part in The Children\\u2018s Hospital Association Improving Pediatric Sepsis Outcomes Collaborative.'